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Welcome to the DSM V 2024

Accredited for 3 CPD points

Psychology | Registered Counsellors

Presented by Dr M Arndt



You must complete the course and quiz by December 31 2024

About this course:

In this course the significant changes and the disorders in the DSM-5 will be discussed.

There is still definite controversy and debate over the diagnosis of mental health disorders.

Why are more and more people receiving psychiatric diagnoses?

What is the best way to understand and classify disordered thoughts, emotions, and behaviours?

Does having symptoms equate to a mental health disorder?

How can we wisely and compassionately care for those who are truly suffering?

Dr Marlene Arndt tackles the DSM-5 manual with her usual humor and genius and makes a course that is usually dry and academic exciting, interesting and informative

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